Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dari Paris Dengan Cinta

Another film to propagate fight vs terrorism. The Good Guy is of course The U.S. The Bad Guy… some Pakistanis with the help of a gorgeous French woman, Caroline.

It started off with main character being tasked to do the ‘dirty’ job for the government of US. He had a fiancé, Caroline. Little he knew that this girl was actually a member of a terrorist group who intended to attack American convoy at an international summit. (Tsk…)

It was a non-stop action all the way since the main character met his partner, Max (John Travolta). Busting a group of drug dealers and finally met with their actual nemesis. I didn’t know that French allows 5 gram of coke for personal consumption.

A point that is interesting to be raised here is that Caroline was being brainwashed by the alleged terrorist. In a sad telephone conversation with her fiancé, she revealed that she met a guy who told her about his faith. She finally found a purpose of life and felt at peace.

Although, it is not said what faith is it, it is clear throughout the movie that the director tried to imply that the faith is Islam. Pakistanis, Arabic words including Allah’s name written on the walls, some utterance in Arabic before the terrorist committed a suicide bombing… what else can you imply?

Yes, you’ll find peace in Islam. You’ll find purpose if you commit yourself to this religion of peace. But what was portrayed in the movie can be misleading should the viewer not treat it with critical mind.It is unfortunate to see that some people were used to serve a purpose they can hardly understand. What happened to Caroline can be seen happening to our local girls who had been used in drug trafficking. A soul searching for the purpose of life can be easily manipulated should it falls to the wrong person.

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