Sunday, February 14, 2010

A lonely V-Day…

14 Feb… Yay! I’m still alive. Still a Muslim. Still a guy. A lonely one by the way. Oh, I’ve forgotten something! It’s V-Day!
No offence to you love birds out there, V-day actually means nothing for me except for its historical facts which I believed remain unknown to most people who celebrate it. It is not my intention to lay down the story behind V-day.
Other than a reminiscent of history for me, this year’s V-day had been a really lonely day for me. Actually, I don’t mind be alone. Less people to love. Less people to hurt.
Speaking about love, I wonder what is the real purpose of love? Do love really need a purpose? I’ve fallen in love many times with many girls. It is to be noted that falling in love does not necessarily mean being loved. Except for one, others are one sided.
Fall in love, know your acquaintance and get married. I used to have this perception of love once. I believed that when we fall in love with someone, eventually it will end up by tying the knot of an everlasting relationship as husband and wife. But then, why are there an increasing number of divorces every year? What’s the purpose of love? Where is the love?
I walked on the brink of Singapore River, pondering the mystical questions about love. I saw the Statue of Stamford Raffles and his love to the country he found. I saw the memorial of war and the martyrs’ love towards the country they defended so dearly. I looked upon the sky. I felt the sea breeze embracing my skin. I breathed and I felt so alive. Then I realized, I was not lonely after all.


Girl Behind A Shadow said...

Ala siannya kau Imad, kitarang ade je tadi kt Selat Tebrau. Tapi tade passport la nk crossover, hehe. Kau ape cite?

ARADIA said...

Hi Imad, apa khabar kau? Lama tak jumpa.

Yes, I used to think that when we fall in love, especially when we have been together with our beloved a long time, we will definitely marry him/her. Tapi aku lupa, jodoh tu ditangan Tuhan. And bitter experience has taught me, someone loving you today is no guarantee that he will love you tomorrow!